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The Social and Financial Impact of Special Diets in those with Food Insecurity

The Social and Financial Impact of Special Diets in those with Food Insecurity At Ajinomoto Cambrooke, we understand the growing burden of food insecurity for those with medical conditions that require special diets. Wendy Gordon Pake, founder, president, and volunteer director of FOODiversity has shared a guest blog post regarding her personal experience and mission […]

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Feeding Difficulties in the Food Allergic Child

Feeding Difficulties in the Food Allergic Child When I started my career as a food allergy specialist dietitian, eating and feeding difficulties were not part of a regular conversation between health care providers and parents.  It was assumed that once food...

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Is Monk Fruit Safe for Children with Allergies?

Nonnutritive sweeteners (NNSs), often called sugar substitutes, have become an increasingly popular way to add sweetness to foods or beverages while reducing sugar, carbohydrate, and calorie intake.  These differ from nutritive sweeteners, such as table sugar or...

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